Addressing Your Fear of Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns

Florida Attorney Questions

Addressing Your Fear of Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns


Annual Number of Florida Divorces*

Florida Divorce. Many people struggle with the idea of petitioning for a Florida divorce because they have children and/or have a lot of jointly-held assets that may be subject to dispute. We do our best to assuage those fears as we understand that our client’s best interests are not always best served by fear of complication, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.

In our initial consultation with you, we will explain the different types of Florida divorces, break them down into components, and will focus on what we will do to address the issues that concern you the most. Be it the post-dissolution disposition of the marital estate, potential child custody issues, or simply your fear of the unknown – we can help.

Give us a call at +1.786.309.8588 for your Free Consultation with a Florida attorney.

* Data taken from 2009 US Census