Divorce Tag

Divorce Due to Adultery in Florida Is Adultery Illegal in Florida? Under Florida Statute §798.01, whoever lives in an open state of adultery shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Where either of the...

Should I Change My Name After a Divorce? Most women getting married face a choice: keep their last name, or change it? There are numerous options available: they can take the name of their husband as many women choose to do; they can hyphenate their husband’s...

Child Custody and Residence: Can You Move out of State After Divorce? Child custody situations can sometimes be a frustrating arrangement. When something occurs that requires the custody arrangement to be altered further, it is important you know your rights and the potential outcomes of a...

During divorce proceedings, some couples may choose to hire a neutral third party soon after the divorce is filed in order to act as a divorce mediator. This mediator meets with both spouses and their respective attorneys and attempts to help the two of you...

A lot can change in a year that may ultimately affect how you do your taxes. From buying a new house to having a new baby, there are many new things that can come into your life or happen to you in a matter of...

Primarily due to a lack of information, individuals who have the desire to initiate the legal process of divorce may feel overwhelmed and stressed about what to expect when you file for divorce. In order to eliminate any fears that may arise on the road to...

Many couples who have made the decision to divorce often feel that once they have filed papers, they can start a new life. Sometimes, one or both partners feel like starting new relationships might be the best way to kick off their newly single life...

You follow the textbook page by page. You dated until you find someone that fits your criteria. Then you got married and spent the beginning stages of your marriage traveling and enjoying one another's company. Finally, the two of you decided to settle down and...

As our world becomes more connected online, the impact of social media becomes more relevant, and sometimes more important, in a legal sense. When going through a divorce specifically, it can be difficult to escape the use of your social media life in the evidence...