02 Nov 5 Practical Books To Get You Through Divorce
Divorce is a difficult process. There are lots of strong emotions involved on both sides, you feel like the life you made for yourself is coming apart, and that does not even begin to mention the legal frustrations of it all. Luckily, there are others that have done this process before you, and some of them have even written books about it. Others may or may not have gone through the process, but they have an insider’s understanding of the process that can help you manage your divorce, too. Here are five practical books to help you get through your divorce.
1. The Smart Divorce
This is a good book to start with if you are looking for guidance on working through your divorce. This book, by Deborah Moskovitch, is subtitled “Proven Strategies and Valuable Advice From 100 Top Divorce Lawyers, Financial Advisers, Counselors, and Other Experts.” If that does not give you a good enough idea of what this book has to offer, then here are some other highlights. Along with providing emotional support, this book primarily focuses on the details of the legal process and breaks them down for you. It provides easy lists and instructions for you to follow to make sure you get the right attorney, understand all of your legal options, and much more. If the legal side is something you are struggling with, then this is a book you should pick up.
2. Too Good To Leave, Too Bad To Stay
If you are completely set on your divorce, then this is not the book you want to pick off of this list. This book is meant more for those people that are considering going forward with their divorce, but who need a more guided approach to the process. After all, divorce is very emotionally charged, and it can be hard to get a clear head of what you should or should not do when you are in the situation. This book, by Mona Kirshenbaum, provides a number of very simple questionnaires and surveys that try to take all of the bias out of the situation so that you can come to a logical decision on your own.
3. Divorce Think Financially, Not Emotionally
The first book focused on the legal, and the second book looked at the decision-making process, but this book approaches things a bit differently. Divorce, almost more than other aspects, is very much a financial process. The last thing you want in a divorce is to have to go through a complicated legal divorce and then suffer from financial issues afterward. This book will help keep this from happening to you. The author of the book is Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, so you can assume that what he has to say will be helpful in this regard.
4. When My Parents Forgot How To Be Friends
This book is a bit different. If you just searched it online, then you know that it is a children’s picture book by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos. If you do not have children, then you can probably ignore this book entirely. If there are children involved in your divorce, though, this is a great tool. The welfare of children should be your primary concern in your divorce. This does not mean that your children should prevent you from going through with a divorce that is best for your own health, but as the divorce is going and afterward, they should always be considered. That being said, this book, which is especially helpful for younger children but can help older children too, approaches divorce with a sensitive approach that ensures the child that they are in no way responsible for the divorce. If you have kids of any age, and you are going through a divorce, then you might want to pick up this book.
5. Chicken Soup For The Soul: Divorce and Recovery
This book takes a different approach than the others listed here. Instead of giving facts, advice, or suggestions, this book gives a number of accounts from a number of people. Some are nonfiction and some are fictional or poetic interpretations of divorce and recovery thereafter. This book is not going to help you find the right lawyer or give you the tips to stay financially stable, but it will help your mental and emotional state, and that is equally as important (if not more important) than the others.