Prenuptial Agreement Tag

Prenuptial agreements used to be a contract familiar to mainly celebrities and people with an extremely high amount of financial wealth. In today's day and age, however, we find that prenuptial agreements are made between all sorts of couples, with varying degrees of wealth.  Even...

Although it can be said that prenuptial agreements once had a stigma, it is now commonly understood that they can actually help a couple enter a more stable and trusting marriage. There are still some people who should have a prenuptial agreement that will decide...

We have all heard about the famous 50 percent of marriages in the United States ending in divorce. While that number is undoubtedly lower, people still see the chance of divorce as high enough to consider covering all the bases prior to getting married. Marrying couples...

A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a written contract signed by the parties intending to get married before the marriage. A Florida prenup lays out what will happen upon divorces such as division of property and debt, spousal support, or alimony. What is laid out...

A prenuptial agreement is a future agreement that will only be executed in case of divorce. That reason alone makes it very uncomfortable topic for two newlyweds. However, prenuptial agreements may be the smart route. The top three reasons for prenuptial agreements are to provide...

A prenuptial agreement is a great way to strengthen a marriage, by laying out terms that will protect both parties if the marriage goes south. However, prenups have often been seen in an extremely negative light in the American consciousness. When looking at the statistics associated...

Prenuptial agreements provide an excellent way for both parties to a marriage to enter the institution with a sense of security about their individual assets. Unfortunately, many marriages end in divorce in the United States, so having a prenup is highly recommended. For those in...

A lot of people think that prenuptial agreements aren’t that common, or are a luxury that only the rich need to think about.  But when you look closely at the numbers, and dig into the statistics surrounding prenups, you will quickly learn that this type...

Obtaining a prenuptial agreement is a lot like an insurance policy - you hope that you will never need one, but it’s a lot better to have a prenup in place and not need it than not have one in place and find yourself in...