Family Law Tag

Prenuptial agreements used to be a contract familiar to mainly celebrities and people with an extremely high amount of financial wealth. In today's day and age, however, we find that prenuptial agreements are made between all sorts of couples, with varying degrees of wealth.  Even...

A lot can change in a year that may ultimately affect how you do your taxes. From buying a new house to having a new baby, there are many new things that can come into your life or happen to you in a matter of...

Primarily due to a lack of information, individuals who have the desire to initiate the legal process of divorce may feel overwhelmed and stressed about what to expect when you file for divorce. In order to eliminate any fears that may arise on the road to...

Many couples who have made the decision to divorce often feel that once they have filed papers, they can start a new life. Sometimes, one or both partners feel like starting new relationships might be the best way to kick off their newly single life...

You follow the textbook page by page. You dated until you find someone that fits your criteria. Then you got married and spent the beginning stages of your marriage traveling and enjoying one another's company. Finally, the two of you decided to settle down and...

During a divorce, one of the most important decisions to make is choosing which parent the child will live or spend the majority of his or her time with. In many cases, both parents want their child or children to live with them, and both...

While it isn't spoken about in fairy tales or on television much, it’s an unfortunate fact of life that some marriages turn violent.  In fact, some estimates suggest that as many as one-third of all women are victims of domestic violence during their lifetime and...

Although it can be said that prenuptial agreements once had a stigma, it is now commonly understood that they can actually help a couple enter a more stable and trusting marriage. There are still some people who should have a prenuptial agreement that will decide...

Generally, a case management conference is a meeting where both parties, their respective lawyers, and a judge come together to discuss what will happen with a case. A case management conference under Fla. Fam. Law. R. P. 12.200 is a meeting that is held after...