15 Aug 5 Signs It’s Time to File a Domestic Violence Injunction
If you are questioning whether or not you should file for a domestic violence injunction, then we might be able to help you. You might be questioning what to do for many reasons. You also might be scared and insure of what to do in this situation. Well, don’t worry–we’ve got you covered.
Domestic violence injunctions should be filed when you are experiencing danger and harm or you reasonably expect to be facing harm. This also is relevant if your children are experiencing violence and harm as well.
Many people refrain from filing for a domestic violence injunction because they feel that they are being too dramatic and they don’t want to cause drama by drawing attention to themselves and filing for the injunction. However, this is absolutely not the case! If you feel that you are in harm’s way, and you don’t feel safe even in your own home, then filing for an injunction is something that is absolutely necessary and you shouldn’t question it at all.
In this article, we have five signs that it’s time to file for a domestic violence injunction. Take these into consideration and apply them to your life–see if filing for a domestic violence injunction is something that you should do.
1. If you feel anxious all the time
Violence causes anxiety, and if you’re feeling anxious all the time, that’s a sign that you need to take action. If you walk into your home and you’re feeling anxious because you know you’re going to experience violence, then it’s time to file for an injunction. You should always feel at ease in your own personal surroundings, and if you don’t, then it’s time to make a change. The only way this is going to stop is if you stop it yourself. Even if you have talked to your partner, or to whatever person is causing the harm, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to stop.
2. If you are experiencing violence
If you are experiencing violence that does not cease, then it’s time to file for a domestic violence injunction. No form of violence is okay, and if you are experiencing this, then it’s time to make a change. No matter what type of violence it is, you need to stop. Do not make excuses for this person–he or she is causing you harm, and it’s not okay. He or she must be stopped, and the only way that’s going to happen is if you file for a domestic violence injunction. Sometimes, bringing legal devices into the situation is the only thing that you can do to stop it, and that’s okay. It’s not something that you should be ashamed of.
3. If your children are experiencing violence
If you live with your children and they are experiencing violence as well, then you should file for a domestic violence injunction immediately. You don’t want anything bad to happen to your children, and if they are in harm’s way, then it’s time to make a change. If you feel that they are facing danger every single day in your home because of someone who is dangerous in your home, then you should absolutely take action. There is no doubt about this–you should never question whether or not violence is okay, especially when it comes to children. This is the case no matter how old your children are.
4. If you don’t feel safe in your own home
Your home is somewhere that you should feel comfortable in. No matter what, your home is somewhere where you should feel at ease. If you go home laced with nerves, feeling horrible about what’s to come, then you should absolutely file for a domestic violence injunction. Feeling unsafe is your home is something that you might not even realize, because of how overwhelming the violence is. However, if you step back and take notice of how things are and you realize how unsafe you feel, then it’s definitely time to take action.
5. If you feel unable to talk about your situation
Many people feel afraid to talk about the tough, violent times they have been going through. If you feel this way, then you should know that talking about it is the one thing that will set you free. And when you talk about everything that’s been going on, those you love will tell you to take action, and to file for a domestic violence injunction. Once you do this, you will feel much safer and much more comfortable in your home.