17 Feb Divorce Due to Financial Infidelity
Ideally, of course, marriage should be entered into when the couple has gotten a chance to know each other well. Living together for a significant amount of time is sometimes a good idea, as it will expose the couple to the trials/triumphs that the significant other may face in their daily lives, giving the couple a glimpse into what they will most likely experience when they become married. However, is some cases, the bad habits may be hidden or developed bad after the couple has become married. One issue that is becoming more prominent as a cited cause of divorce for couples in Florida is financial infidelity.
Financial Infidelity
Financial infidelity can and does take a serious toll on a marriage. Financial infidelity is the secretive act of spending money, possessing credit and credit cards, borrowing money, or otherwise incurring debt unknown or unwilling to one’s spouse. As a result of one spouse’s secretive (or unauthorized) spending, the couple may argue daily or on a frequent basis due to financial stress, leading to hostility and tension between the couple. That couple’s breakdown in communication, which is both a cause and a byproduct of the situation, then results in even more tension. While in many of these cases the love is still there between the couple, sometimes that love is not enough for the wronged spouse to endure the emotional violence that Financial Infidelity can cause. The troubled couple can choose to try couple’s counseling, etc. to try to repair the issues, yet, for some, this counseling is not enough.
The bright side is that if divorce is the right choice for the couple, it no longer has to be made into a long, drawn-out ordeal. If you realize that a divorce is the best choice for you and/or your family, and for some it is, it does not have to be a painful experience. Utilize the resources that are on hand, including the advice of a competent family law attorney.
If you have any questions, you can speak directly with an attorney at +1.786.309.8588. Call us now for a free consultation.