12 Jun What is Florida’s Department of Children and Families?
In Florida, children and families around the state are in need of help, whether it’s monetary aid, counseling, or rehabilitation services. There are private charities that take care of people, but a bigger organization is DCF – the Florida Department of Children and Families. This organization’s goal is to help Florida Citizens, which it does in a variety of ways.
What is the Florida’s Department of Children and Families?
DCF, the Department of Children and Families, is an organization under the Florida state government, which is responsible for providing aid and services for a variety of Florida citizens, in everything from childcare to help for victims of domestic abuse. Ultimately, the department’s goal is to help children and families across the state in whatever way they need.
What does it have to do with family law?
When you are experiencing a legal dispute such as a divorce or child custody dispute, the courts may order you to receive counseling or, if you are a victim of mental illness or substance addiction, to seek help in other ways. The Florida Department of Children and Families will be the organization that the courts use to provide these services, and thus, it’s important to know what this organization does and how it operates.
What services does it provide?
DCF’s goal is to support the families and children living in Florida, and to fulfill this mission, it offers a wide range of services. A 24/7 abuse hotline helps victims of domestic abuse find the help that they need to escape their situation and gain self-sufficiency. The ACCESS (Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency) Florida program provides links to food assistance, temporary cash assistance, and a way to gain economic self sufficiency in the long run. DCF provides child care services for working parents who need a way to take care of their children, as well as child protective services to protect children from an abusive or neglectful environment. An adoption system is in place to match prospective parents with children in foster homes or who have been given up for adoption. DCF offers help for victims of homelessness, substance abuse, domestic abuse, human trafficking, and mental illness to seek help and find ways to restore their lives.
How can I get help?
Contacting DCF is as easy as visiting the website and finding the service, person, or department that you need. All of these services are accessible through the DCF website, which also contains links to contacting individuals for more specialized help. You can also consult your attorney for specific advice regarding whom to contact within DCF.