07 Jan Can a Divorce Decree be Modified if you are Behind on Child Support?
Modification Decrees & Delinquent Child Support Payments
Sometimes people fall behind in alimony or child support payments. This is often due to a loss of employment, medical issues or other unforeseen events that result in changed economic circumstances for that person. Can the delinquent ex-spouse, in spite of being behind in payments, still petition the court for a Modification of Child Support or Alimony Decree? The answer is yes.
Under Florida Statute §61.14 (2011), if a party applies for a reduction of alimony or child support and the circumstances justify the reduction, the court may make the reduction of alimony or child support regardless of whether or not the party applying for it has fully paid the accrued obligations to the other party at the time of the application or at the time of the order of modification.
Free Divorce Decree Modification Consultations
So it’s not too late. If you’ve fallen behind in child support or alimony payments due to unforeseen circumstances and are in need of a modification order, a Miami Divorce Attorney will be able to help. We offer free consultations.
Give the Law Offices of Jeffrey Alan Aenlle a call at 786.309.8588.
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– modification of divorce decree
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