26 Dec Garnish Wages: Does Your Ex-Spouse Owe You Back Child Support or Alimony?
Garnish Wages
Does Your Ex-Spouse Owe You Back Child Support or Alimony? The State of Florida has laws that can help you enforce your rights. Did you know that Florida can actually garnish wages for child support? Under Florida Statute §61.12 (2014), the court may issue a continuing writ of garnishment to your ex-spouse’s employer in order to enforce the order of the court for periodic payment of alimony or child support or both. The writ may provide that the salary of any person having a duty of support pursuant to such order be garnished on a periodic and continuing basis for so long as the court may determine or until otherwise ordered by the court or a court of competent jurisdiction in a further proceeding.
Free Family Law Consultations
Do you have any questions regarding obtaining child support garnished from wages or, alternatively, how to stop child support garnishment? A Miami Divorce Attorney may be able to help you recover what you are owed. We offer free consultations and will let you know if we can help, or point you to someone who can. Give us a call at +1.786.309.8588 and speak directly with an attorney.