06 Oct 3 Telltale Signs You’re in Need of a Prenuptial Agreement
In Florida, a staggering percentage of marriages end in divorce. If you are in the process of getting married or are considering proposing to your long-term partner, those oft-cited and depressing statistics don’t have to scare you – plenty of couples “make it” too. What high divorce rates should tell you is that preparing for the possibility of your marriage not lasting your whole life isn’t a bad idea. And with a prenuptial agreement, you can be sure that even if your marriage goes south, your personal future and the future of your family are protected. If you are considering getting a prenup but are on the fence, here are five telltale signs that a prenuptial agreement is a good idea for your situation.
1. You Possess Considerable Premarital Assets
Divorce can sometimes be a long, drawn-out, and expensive process and most of that struggle come from dividing assets and splitting up possessions. If you enter a marriage with a lot of assets to your name, getting a prenup will help you assure that in the event of a divorce, you won’t have as long and protracted of a legal battle to contend with. Plus, you will be able to protect assets you’ve earned before marriage. If you come to the table with a lot of previously acquired assets, getting a prenup is an excellent idea.
2. You Have a Child from a Previous Marriage
Part of why most people work so hard is to have something to pass on to their children someday. And if you have kids from a previous marriage, you want to be sure that the work you’ve done all of your life to provide for their future is protected. A prenuptial agreement can help you assure that, in the unfortunate event of a divorce, your former spouse doesn’t end up benefiting from savings that you intended to pass on to a child. If you have kids from a previous marriage, getting a prenup is in their best interest.
3. You are Expecting a Family Inheritance
Whether you are expecting a sizable sum from a wealthy relative, or simply know that someday you’ll inherit a priceless family heirloom, you should protect those assets. Obtaining a prenuptial agreement can put your mind at ease that those family treasures and assets will remain in your family. Even if you aren’t totally sure whether or not you will receive an inheritance, if there’s a chance that you will, you owe it to your family to protect that inheritance and make sure it gets where it is supposed to.
Reasons Not to Get a Prenuptial Agreement?
From a logical standpoint, there’s isn’t a good reason not to have a prenuptial agreement drafted. Think of it as life insurance: you don’t walk around every day planning to die, but you probably have life insurance anyways to make sure that things settle as well as they can in the event of a tragedy. Arguments against obtaining a prenuptial agreement are usually emotional reasons that don’t make too much sense from a logical perspective. Especially if you exhibit any of the telltale signs above, there’s really is not a good reason not to get a prenup.