30 Apr What Must be Included in a Florida Parenting Plan?
Florida Parenting Plan
Florida Parenting Plan. In a Florida Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) Proceeding, if the divorcing couple has minor children they must devise a “Parenting Plan”. What must be included within the plan?
In a Florida Divorce proceeding, a parenting plan must (at the minimum) describe in adequate detail: how the parties will share and be responsible for the daily tasks associated with the upbringing of the child(ren); the time-sharing schedule arrangements that specify the time that the minor child(ren) will spend with each parent; a designation of who will be responsible for any and all forms of health care, school-related matters, including the address to be used for school-boundary determination and registration, other activities; and the methods and technologies that the parents will use to communicate with the child(ren).
In practice, we flush out all the details to ensure that the needs of the new family structure will be best served through issue spotting and clarifying ambiguities. As you may imagine, the development of a parenting plan is a *very* important part of the dissolution process.
If you have questions about Florida Parenting Plans and would like to speak with a Miami family law attorney, give us a call at 1.786.309.8588.