17 Sep What Questions Are Asked of Me at the Final Divorce Hearing?
The divorce hearing can be an incredibly nerve-wracking experience for many. The outcome impacts nearly all facets of one’s life, and as such the time working up to the hearing is stressful. Being prepared for what will happen during the hearing and knowing what questions will be asked of you are two great ways to help ease the stress and anxiety that you may have about the hearing.
The Basics
Typically, if you have legal representation, the majority of the questions asked of you during the divorce hearing will be answered by your attorney. The judge will ask questions about basic information. He/she will question demographics; the names of you and your spouse as well as your children and everyone’s ages and birthdays. He/she may also ask when you were married and when you separated. Occasionally the judge will ask whether or not you actually want the divorce.
The Reason Behind the Divorce
In an uncontested divorce, the most common filing is no-fault grounds. However, there are other grounds including irreconcilable differences or breakdown of the marriage. Regardless of what has been listed, the judge will likely ask for verbal confirmation of this and that the marriage is not salvageable.
Where You Live
You will be required to prove residency to the court, usually in the form of a state driver’s license. If a state-issued idea some states will allow you to bring a witness to court who is willing to confirm your residence in the state.
The Agreement
The final source of questioning will be surrounding the marital settlement agreement. This is the agreement that resolves the details of the marriage, and that is required to be signed by both spouses. It’s important that the court records the details of this document because it contains all of the nitty-gritty legal details. The judge will review the agreement and ask you if you find it to be fair and reasonable. You will be asked about your intention to honor the terms of the agreement. If the agreement requires a waiver of spousal support and alimony, the judge may ask you if you understand the implications of giving these up. The judge may also ask you to confirm that the financial information provided to the court has been accurate. After all of the information is obtained, and the judge deems the agreement to be reasonable and equitable, he/she will make the final ruling.