07 Jun Summer Weddings – What to Consider Before the Wedding Day
Weddings are an incredibly exciting and romantic event that brings families together for a massive celebration of love. With the extreme importance, our society places on this special day, couples want them to be perfect in every way. From the catering to the location, to the weather, planning a wedding often becomes so complicated that the process will begin months in advance of the actual ceremony.
Perhaps the two most significant and worrisome factors that have to be considered when planning a wedding are the ceremony date and the weather. When considering this, it is no surprise that June has become by far the most popular month for wedding celebrations. With the benefit of being past the spring shower season and the convenience of summer vacation flexibility, June is a very attractive time to throw a wedding.
There are a few potential downfalls associated with throwing a wedding ceremony in June, however, so be prepared for potential obstacles can save your wedding unneeded hardships. To help you prepare for your important ceremony, here are 5 tips for brides and grooms planning a June wedding:
1. Booking a Date Can be Difficult
Depending on your venue, you may need to set a date very far in advance to guarantee a spot for your ceremony. With June being by far the most popular month for weddings, churches, parks, beaches, and other popular spots will become booked very quickly. If you are planning your wedding to be in a large city (such as New York) or a popular wedding destination (such as Savannah) you will want to take extra care to schedule a reservation far in advance. Generally speaking, you should never book less than six months in advance, but booking as far out as 1 ½ years before the ceremony can be beneficial if you have the ability to do so.
2. Budget More for Your Ceremony and Rental Services
Unfortunately, the popularity of June weddings often leads to wedding-centric services increasing their service prices during the busy month. Due to this, if you are on a tight budget you may want to consider rescheduling your wedding to be during the off-season. However, if you are set on a June date, scheduling on days of the week can help you avoid premium fees from venues and rental services. Researching which companies raise their prices during the busy summer months can help you avoid having to pay unnecessarily large fees.
3. Consider the Schedules of Your Guests
Planning a wedding during the summer makes for a sort of double-edged sword when it comes to scheduling a ceremony date. While you do gain the benefit of scheduling during the most common time for vacation, you also may end up needing to schedule around those vacations in order for every important person to attend the ceremony. If you have additional family members or close friends who are getting married, this can become even more stressful.
To avoid costly and frustrating re-scheduling, always make sure to ask people their schedules far in advance. Making guests aware of your intended date months before the fact can help them avoid scheduling a vacation, wedding, or other important events that will compete with your wedding. Additionally, if your guests still end up planning something after you have informed them, you can avoid being the guilty party.
4. What is the Temperature like Where Your Ceremony is Taking Place?
Weddings ceremonies can become rather lengthy depending on the traditions or religion of the marrying couple. One of the most sure-fire ways to distract from the joy of the wedding is to book a location that will have guests burning up during the ceremony. Making sure your location will be comfortable for both the couple and the guests during the ceremony is of utmost importance in planning a successful wedding. If you live in a state prone to extreme summer temperatures (such as Texas), you may want to consider booking a location where the ceremony takes place inside, or at least under a shade tent.
5. Account for Tourists and Other On-Site Distractions
Touristy wedding towns such as Savannah, or highly populated areas such as parks, create the need for strong logistics. Nothing can kill the mood of a wedding more than pesky and rude tourists taking pictures from afar. If you are planning a ceremony in a popular tourist spot or highly-populated area, consider hiring a service that will help you handle potentially annoying on-lookers or wedding crashers.
Making sure your special day is perfect is important, especially given the finances you are likely putting toward this ceremony. Never leave potentially disaster-inducing details left unattended, as you will most certainly regret doing so in the long run. If you are worried about your ability to account for every important detail, hiring a professional wedding planner can help relieve you of the many stresses of the planning process.