23 Feb Where Can I Obtain a Copy of a Florida Birth Certificate?
Criteria for Ordering a Birth Certificate
We have been receiving this question a lot lately, for some reason. In order to obtain a copy of your Birth Certificate (or that of your loved one) you need to contact the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics. In order to qualify to obtain a copy of the Florida birth certificate, you need to either:
1. Be the child named on the certificate AND 18 years of age or older,
2. Be the parent, guardian or legal representative of the person named on the certificate, or
3. Have a court order.
Obtain a Copy of the Birth Certificate
If you fit into one of those categories, then you can order a copy of the birth certificate either:
1. In Person (1217 North Pearl Street; Jacksonville, FL 32202)
2. By Mail (Bureau of Vital Statistics; Attn: Vital Records Section; P.O. Box 210; Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042)
3. Online (via Vitalcheck)
To be clear, our firm is in no way connected with the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics, but we determined that the information may be useful to many.