10 Jun Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreements under Florida Law
Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreements
Nonmarital cohabitation is technically still illegal in the State of Florida. Technically, under Florida law, if a man and a woman are not married to one another but live together in a relationship similar to that of husband and wife and have sexual relations, they are guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.
Right to Contract
However, the illegality of cohabitation does not (generally) affect the rights of a couple who desire to create non-marital cohabitation agreements amongst themselves. For instance, unmarried cohabitants are still able to enter into a contract, recognized under Florida law, in order to purchase property, vehicles, etc., with their joint and/or separate funds.
Free Family Law Consultations
If you find yourself in a circumstance in which you may benefit from a non-marital cohabitation agreement, contact us at 786.309.8588.
Related Incoming Search Terms:
– The Validity of Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreements
– Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreements
– nonmarital cohabitation