Miami Family Law

There’s no doubting it: going through a divorce has the potential to be a challenging process for all parties involved. The most obvious difficulty is the potential stress that comes with separating from your spouse, and all of the ways in which this affects your...

The divorce process is not always an easy one. Unfortunately, the children are often the most at risk of being hurt by the divorce (or separation). Fortunately, there are ways to help children adjust to divorce and make the change easier on them. While it...

Sometimes, people will make the decision to petition for a divorce without knowledge of the intricacies of the effect that the new child custody ("time-sharing") situation that their children will be involved in. That's to be expected - for many people that contact us, it is...

One element of divorce in the state of Florida is the process of dividing property that was accumulated by both spouses during their marriage. That includes cars, clothes, house, and the various personal property that are to be divided between the parties. Some of the...

After a marriage is dissolved, it is important for each party to begin managing their own finances. Financial situations can change substantially after a divorce because income may significantly drop, but not all expenses do. It is important to create a new financial plan that...

Domestic violence is a problem that affects many men and women in the United States. Most people are caught off guard by domestic violence and do not see the first act coming. Many people choose to remain in a relationship under the assumption that domestic...

It can be beyond frustrating when your divorce lawyer appears to lack interest in your Family Law related case. Although you understand that your matter is not the only case your lawyer is working on, when it seems like your lawyer is not putting in...

Divorces: when they go wrong, divorces can be downright nightmarish. Your emotions are running high. Everything in your life, from your household to your relationships to your financial situation, is changing quickly. For parents, particularly those of younger children, all of that chaos can be...

As we have discussed in a prior post, adultery is technically illegal under Florida Statute §798.01.  In divorce proceedings in the  State of Florida, however, adultery typically only plays a small role in divorce proceedings as Florida is a "no-fault" state. However, while infidelity usually does not...