Obtaining a prenuptial agreement is a lot like an insurance policy - you hope that you will never need one, but it’s a lot better to have a prenup in place and not need it than not have one in place and find yourself in...

One of the most complicated portions of the divorce process is the equitable division of marital assets. In divorce proceedings, property and other assets are divided up and parceled out to both parties. What most people don't realize is that just about everything can be...

If you are considering petitioning for a dissolution of marriage (divorce), in Florida, there might be a few things that you should look into before beginning the process. With regards to the divorce process, rules can differ between states, and there are some rules that...

Going through a contested divorce in Florida is a complicated, frustrating experience. Divorce is never fun or easy, but there are different types of divorce, and some are certainly easier in terms of financial cost and time spent than others. One of the most unfortunate circumstances is when...

If you have been married for a significant length of time to someone from whom you are now divorced, there is a chance that you are still eligible for survivor’s Social Security benefits upon your ex-spouse’s death. Divorce laws in the state of Florida can...

When trying to raise a child after separating from your spouse, financial problems become much more challenging. If you find that either your or your spouse’s financial situation has undergone a significant change since the formation of your child support agreement, you should start educating...

When you marry someone, you are deciding to create a home with them.  When you have children, deciding on what the moral fundamentals of that home will be is one of the most important decisions that parents can make.  But when divorce happens, while a...

After you have gone through a divorce, getting yourself and your children adjusted to new living situations can be tough. One of the hardest things for your kids to adjust to is your newly rekindled dating life. Once you begin dating again, it is important...

Divorce can be an emotionally draining time, and the public nature of it all can make it particularly difficult to navigate. For those that prefer to handle personal issues in a non-public environment, mediation can provide an excellent alternative to the highly visible and time-draining...